Our latest crafty endeavor is unlikely to make it onto Pinterest and I doubt anyone will be clamouring for me to open an Esty store, but it can't be beat for local popularity.
Somehow I managed to grow up in the 70's and 80's without ever watching Star Wars. Ever.
Then I had boys. Boys who, as it turns out, love all thing Star Wars related.
So, we made these beauties.
This one is Owen's. It is modeled after Anakin Skywalker's starfighter (isn't it obvious?).
The similarities are striking, don't you think?
This is Padawan Neil, with his starfighter, modeled on Asoka Tano's.
The details of how we made them are horrendously complicated, but may have involved me cutting some cardboard into star-fighter-like shape and then setting us all loose with craft paint.
Good times!