In my on-going efforts to do some crafty things - not just read about them - I finally broke out some of the Martha Stewart glitter that I've been hoarding and made some glittery Easter eggs. I used some styrofoam eggs from the dollarstore, glopped on some Mod Podge, and glittered away. My first specimens were a little questionable, since I kept getting my fingers in the glue and leaving holes in my glittering. Then I got the brilliant idea of sticking a toothpick in the egg for a handle, and that was much much better. I used a piece of styrofoam for a drying stand and just stuck the toothpick in it. Boy, I'm really making progress in figuring out some of this crafty stuff.
I also decoupaged some of the styrofoam eggs with some sheet music. (Decoupage sounds so much more elegant than saying that I basically glued some paper on the eggs, don't you think?) I didn't get any pictures of the work in progress due to some very messy fingers and the lack of a conveniently located husband to record the great event. My first attempts were more conical than egg-like, but I just buried them deeper into the bowl in the end.
I'm kind of liking the finished product. I've since added some pale lilac glitter to the hoard, so I might add some more eggs eventually.
I love them, both kinds!!!! Have a happy Easter! XO, Pinky